Read It or I Weep

Read It or I Weep

JHNursing-Summer15_final 1It’s become a bit of a tradition for office mates here at the school to kid me over Johns Hopkins Nursing magazine. Not that they say it’s a poor product or anything … just that I’m sort of a lunatic for the amount of worry that goes into every issue’s production.

Me: “Oh man, now this? It’ll never get finished by the deadline!”

Them: “You say that every time.”

OK, so whatever. It’s ready for you … the Summer 2015 issue … and just as we are way too quickly approaching autumn (traditional deadlines, sorry). We’re working on ways to advance the process so that the season of the issue better matches the season the magazine arrives in, even maybe putting out the three annual issues in September (Fall), January (Winter), and May (Spring). Part of the thinking behind perhaps moving away from Summer is I’ve been told that none of you are even around to read the magazine. The great part is that the stuff inside the magazine will still be fresh when you get back! For those of you who are around, well, what are you waiting for?

Hope you enjoy the issue. I really sweated over this one.

–Steve St. Angelo


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